Intensive Interaction at Soar

Create meaningful interactions with people with disabilities and/or autism...

With specialised training in Intensive Interaction and collaborating with one of it's original founders Dr. Mark Barber, Carla has over 10 years experience working as an Intensive Interaction practitioner.

With specialised training in the Intensive Interaction approach, Carla has over 10 years experience working as an I.I Practitioner.

I.I Specialist

Carla prides herself on her collaboration with one of the original founders, Dr. Mark Barber - an expert and authority in the Intensive Interaction approach.



Offering specialist Intensive Interaction training for organisations, therapists, educators and parents. Carla aims to educate others about the benefits of this process.

What is Intensive interaction? 

Intensive interaction is an approach to teaching the pre-speech fundamentals of communication to children and adults who have severe learning difficulties and/or autism and who are still at an early stage of communication development.

​A relationship based intervention, it teaches clinicians, educators and health professionals how to utilise the foundation skills of interaction to support people with significant intellectual disabilities and communication impairments.

​At Soar, we offer Intensive Interaction training for organisations, therapists, educators and parents to ensure participants are skilled to coach parents, caregivers and paraprofessionals on how to engage and interact meaningfully with people with significant disabilities and/or autism. 

We're thrilled to announce that we've created a podcast 'Talking without Words' in collaboration with Dr Mark Barber.

Aimed at Allied Health professionals working with this demographic of client, keep an eye out on our socials towards the end of the year to learn more about this dynamic and practical approach.

Want to learn more?